The various picture resolutions supported by Exchange 2013 mailboxes

In researching what picture resolutions are supported by Exchange (and Lync 2013/Skype for business) I came across this MS Technet article stating the the following 3 resolutions used in Lync:

  • 48 x 48 : Used if no higher resolution image is selected
  • 96 x 96 : Used in Outlook Web App and Outlook 2013
  • 648 x 648 : Used in Lync 2013 desktop client and Lync 2013 Web App

I also came across this MSDN article detailing an EWS URL you can use to retrieve the photo used in an Exchange 2013 mailbox : https://Exchange Server/ews/Exchange.asmx/s/GetUserPhoto?email=email address&size=size code
In working on a script to pull pictures from my company’s HR system and push them to user’s mailboxes, I noticed other resolutions were available as well. So I decided to try and figure out all the supported resolutions with this quick and dirty PoweShell script:

Foreach ($Num in 1..648) {
   Try {
      $URL = "$($Num)x$($Num)" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -UseDefaultCredentials -ErrorAction stop | Out-NUll
   Catch{ } 

In doing so I discovered that these were all the supported resolutions in Exchange 2013:

  • 48×48
  • 64×64
  • 96×96
  • 120×120
  • 240×240
  • 360×360
  • 432×432
  • 504×504
  • 648×648

About mell9185

IT proffesional. Tech, video game, anime, and punk aficionado.
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